Vlogging for Business

Help engage your audience into your active sales cycle by speaking directly to them and make them a fan, not a customer.

Vlogging helps create a personal direct connection with your customers and creates a point person to identify thought leadership and expertise in your given field.

Your customers will develop a personal connection and will be able to relate and feel comfortable if there are any questions about the product or service.

Consider vlogging for quicker communication prior to an event.

Show the product or service, invite, and encourage others to share their thoughts and your content with their customers.

Some things to think about before you start a business vlog: What is your goal?  Who is your target audience? How is it best to reach them? How will you distribute the content and how will you measure success?

Speak directly and naturally to the camera and be your authentic-self! Creating a script and storyboard before the shoot is helpful to all involved.


Do you have a question? Feel free to contact me here.

VFMM Conference Project

Krill Systems, Krill Days Events

KrillSystems.com,  Krill Days Events

Krill Systems decided to host a conference focusing on our vendor partners and invite all our current customers as well as potential customers. I was responsible for scheduling, producing and editing video invites that were embedded in the above eNewsletter.

Why Choose Video Shorts?

Videos have tripled in the last year with the average CTR for mobile video is rising from 3.73 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 to 13.64 percent in the third quarter of 2013. And with more companies such as Vine and Instagram gaining millions of users and shares, brands account for 40% of the 1,000 most shared Instagram videos last month according to an Unruly report. The short form video has arrived and there are social platforms which love to share your event.



  • Event planner and event marketing including video interviews of all guest speakers.
  • Event coordinator role including budget planning,  conference room AV/food catering/guest check-ins/collateral of vendors.
  • Produced and edited the embedded videos (see below) for eNewsletter invites.
  • Pre-event, real-time social monitoring and post event follow up on all distribution platforms.
  • Monitoring channels.


  • Adobe suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks.
  • WordPress
  • Google Analytics
  • Premiere

Promotional interview with vendor videos here.

Case Study: Strategic Research & Development Proposal for EPA

Strategic Research & Business Practice

As the digital media revolution turns communication upside down, it also poses new challenges with how to strategically plan, propose, and assess the deployment of these new platforms. Our group client was the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We designed a solution to engage the general public about the effects of climate change. The goal was to reach specific population segments to help understand and engage them in conversation about the effects of climate change in their neighborhood. We created a social media plan surrounding an app which was developed for this project.

Here is the video which features the “Cirrus” app; a working prototype was developed for this project for the iPhone. By confronting a real-world communication challenge we used storytelling, social media and business methodologies to define and frame the “problem” presented by the client and used appropriate research tools for an effective strategy. This was our multimedia presentation for our client.

Maritime Leaders in the Pacific Northwest: Predictions for 2014


I recently interviewed a few of the maritime leaders for Krill Systems asking their thoughts and predictions for the upcoming year (2014). We were able to interview David Moseley, Director of the Washington State Ferries, Ralph Duncan, VP Business Development for BMT Designers & Planners, Matt Nichols, CEO Nichols Bros. Boat Builders, Art Parker, Sales Manager for Kvichak Marine Industries, Trevor Machen of Radar Marine, and Grant Fosheim for Vigor Industries.

[Click to play “Maritime Leaders” video]

This video was also redistributed by Maritime Executive Magazine’s Facebook page, their twitter feed and Maritime Executive website (our shared demographic audience). It pays to create sharable content because even if the viewers aren’t clicking through to your website from the video it’s still impressions and our company name giving brand visibility, everyone wins.

Maritime Ex website demographics

Maritime Ex website demographics



Social Media Workshops

Over the past ten years I have leveraged my graduate degree in digital media I have advised many organizations and individuals with their social media strategy. I enjoy volunteering and have helped many non-profits over the years.

  • Situation: The executives on the Board were very apprehensive with social media  and the club’s use of having a digital online presence. They understood that they needed a way to disseminate information to their members yet they wanted to retain control. Many club members’ reason for joining was to network and to discuss industry news but there were no opportunities beyond the club’s monthly onsite luncheons and discussions were time limited.
  • Solution: I recommended LinkedIn as their platform for communications.  I established and managed a private club LinkedIn group and taught the board members the importance of having a profile. The club’s website was used for general information and blog for current events but the private LinkedIn group was only for club members where anyone could bring up discussions without non-members prying eyes. Below one of the presentations which I gave to the Board.

  • Result: It was the beginning of a new era for the maritime members to create a new profile! Using a laptop I demonstrated to them, step-by-step, with instructions on how to create a new member profile. They were grateful and then could participate and freely network within a closed/private platform yet still be open to have new contacts.

It’s The Terrifying Gamifying Email App! ( Using data visualization + game mechanics)

From our graduate level gaming course (yes, you heard that right!) we created a practical idea of irradiating the awful accumulation of the dread email. Yes, our email game is sure to bring more anxiety if you don’t clean out your inbox regularly!

Research and Development Proposal Prepared by: Jeff Barr, Corey Murata & Lynne Watanabe (and my daughter drew the monster)
COM 569: Communication in Video Games and Virtual Worlds

We propose to develop an email client interface that uses layers of data visualization and game mechanics. The client will make it easier for the user to identify high priority email that needs to be addressed and make strategic decisions about how best to use their time to attend to email. Additionally, the game mechanic will provide immediate feedback and gratification to the user to encourage them to continue working on their email. Finally a social component will allow the user to share their success at ‘battling’ their inbox with their friends on social networks.

Intro to Racing (Part 2)

Meet the Teams ride and Intro to Women’s Racing ended last Sunday. What a blast and inspiration to meet so many women who enjoy riding and having fun on the bike. This is a photo with Gina Kavesh, Team BikeSale.com, as she explains the formation of a double pace line. Team Group Health assists in the demonstration at the Leschi parking lot across the street from Starbucks. Great time & a beautiful counter clockwise ride on the south end of Lake Washington & Mercer Island.

The double paceline formation

The double paceline formation


Introduction to Racing

Bicycling is experiencing a growth in the United States but probably not in the demographic which you’d expect! According to a recent article in The Economist the total numbers of annual bike trips, between 1977 and 2009, more than tripled and more cities want to be known as cycle-friendly communities (IE: Washington, DC, Boulder, CO, Portland, OR) but surprisingly all growth in cycling has come from men between the ages of 25 to 64. Doesn’t this seem surprising? Where are the ladies and children? And there’s even a smaller pool of women in racing. Have you ever wondered why there is no Tour de France for women? It may have something to do with lack of cultivation in the women’s field. I’ve been an active member of the Cascade Bike Club and enjoy the many Free Daily Rides (If you live in the Greater Seattle Area I would strongly recommend you try a ride, it’s a lot of fun and an easy way to make new friends and tour Seattle). Unfortunately there’s not a whole lot of options for women who seek more advance training for bike handling and speed training. I had to look else where.

Gina KaveshI was fortunate enough to find Gina Kavesh, a women’s cycling veteran who promotes women’s racing and held three day Intro to Racing rides this fall. I had the chance to attend two Sundays and learned how it feels to ride in a double pace line and cruise quickly as a pack. It felt exhilarating and a bit dangerous but after the second Sunday riding with these ladies I knew this was the direction for my growth as a cyclist.

Why Gamify Health Care? Why Not Healthify Blockbuster Games!

Ayogo doesn’t ask why gamify health care but why not instead “healthify” blockbuster games? It’s an interesting twist to the current trend of ‘gamifying’ everything, from the number of steps we take each day to making better choices in our diet. At Ayogo, a Vancouver B.C. mobile gaming company, they believe games can be used as effective tools for motivating and educating the common person, like me, and modify behavior in a fun and playful manner. They believe that if you want to help patients do the things that will help change their chronic conditions they need to modify those behaviors  in order to live healthier lives, such as adhere to a schedule medication; the best way to motivate users is to make it playful.

Playful! Hear that health care?

There seems to be a growing trend for game developers to not only to entertain folks using console & social networks, but to create game apps for the health sector.  Ayogo’s social games and apps engage, educate, and empower patients with chronic conditions by visualizing and quantifying their actions. Over time patients will see that their small changes in diet or exercise (or whatever health attributes they wish to measure) can improve over time.