Choose the media, find relevance and achieve timeliness

I created this video to help promote my son’s high school band. This video is featured in the Kitsap Sun and Inside Bainbridge and other social networks which is greatly appreciated. Thank you to my Twitter followers and G+ friends who re-posted.

Why did I choose to focus on video content? Obviously it’s for the shareability factor but there’s more to it. For this event my focus was the music. This annual holiday event features the Argosy cruise boat parade. In near freezing temperatures there were only a handful of brave souls to view the festivities at the Bainbridge marina. Timing of the video post matters greatly; since audiences have short attention spans, videos not only should be kept short, but they also need to be published near the time of the event. Audiences will forget or lose interest to search so it is important not too wait too long to distribute. It’s a fine balance between taking your time editing towards perfection vs. good enough and being the first one out.