SV Forum is devoted to creating connections and providing education to the Silicon Valley ecosystem of innovators, entrepreneurs, and business professionals participating in emerging technologies.
As the Director of Marketing for SV Forum Tech Women, I knew we could extend our reach and interest with new and current members by using Facebook as our platform, but I wanted to do something more.
I wanted to show our ‘friends’ on our page what a fun, dynamic and diverse group of technical women we are in Silicon Valley while also showing a bit of our smart panel discussions.
I produced and edited this video (including photography) for the SV Forum Tech Women event, Women In Space featuring panelists Celeste Volz Ford, Founder/Chief Executive Officer Stellar Solutions, Darlene Lim, Geobiologist, NASA Ames Research Center, and Khaki Rodway, Director- Payload Sales & Operations, XCor. Irene Koehler, Almost Savvy was moderator.
We thank Apigee for being our gracious host this month.
- Fabulous Apigee api cookies!
- SV Forum Tech Women
- Fabulous Apigee api cookies!

The SV Forum Tech Women video was embedded in Facebook (not from the YouTube url). The result is better since there’s an auto playback feature and the preview image is present.
- SV Forum Tech Women encourages women–and men who support the advancement of women!–in tech and engineering fields, helping to create an environment of empowerment in which women and girls can achieve results beyond their wildest expectations. Please feel free to contact me to learn more about Tech Women and SVForum and how you can join us!
- SV Forum Tech Women website:
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